Is Your GMAT Score Stuck in the 600s? This Guide Can Help.

Is your GMAT score stuck in the low-600s? Have you hit a plateau? There’s probably a reason.

You’ve read hundreds of pages of material. You’re familiar with all the concepts. The fundamentals are becoming clear.

Still, the score won’t budge.

It’s clear to you that there’s work to be done, but the “GMAT Math” videos assume you failed high school math. The forum posts bicker endlessly over irrelevant tactical details.

Reaching a plateau such as this is a common problem, and we’ve all been there at one point in the GMAT preparation journey.

Here’s the bad news:

There actually are things that 700+ scorers understand that you don’t.

In other words, breaking past the mid-600s requires a fundamental shift in your thinking.

But these things aren’t just new math formulas.

These scorers are probably spending fewer hours studying than you are. They’re minimizing time and stress while maximizing their results.

Rather, these top-scorers have figured out how to break down the structure of the questions in the most efficient way possible.

These top-scorers are studying more efficiently and more effectively.

They understand that the GMAT is written scientifically and that the testwriters use consistent systems to structure the questions.

Most importantly, they’re developing a toolkit of GMAT-specific techniques that mean the difference between marginal success and Top-10 MBA program scores.

Here’s the good news:

I can show you exactly what you need to do: in the Top 3 700+ GMAT Arithmetic Shortcuts, we will analyze four GMAT-specific techniques that the testwriters use to write the questions–complete with eight VIDEO DEMONSTRATIONS.

Once you’re able to recognize these patterns and formulas, you’ll be able to quickly and easily deconstruct the questions and reverse-engineer solutions — the secret master key used by 700+ scorers — to reach your target GMAT score.

You’ll see an immediate benefit in time saved, and more importantly get a window into how the testwriters think.

Armed with that knowledge, you’ll be one step closer to your 700+ Score. 



700+ GMAT Arithmetic Shortcuts: FREE 8-Video Course