
How Hiring a Troll Accelerates Your GMAT Preparation

Huh? I promise, it will make sense soon enough. As we’ve been discussing often recently, my years spent tutoring GMAT in London have taught me a lot about high performers and their reactions to the GMAT exam. Trust me, Fear and Anxiety are two of the biggest obstacles for even the most prepared GMAT taker. … Read More

What’s Preventing You from Reaching Your GMAT Goals…

It’s simple: information is not useful; transformation is. Recently, I was listening to a speech by one of my favourite business authors, Michael Ellsberg. Ellsberg relates the story of how his personal battles with bipolar disorder—severe mania and severe depression–were exacerbated by a poor diet. Doctors told Ellsberg that he was severely sensitive to changes … Read More

The Most Difficult GMAT Problem to Overcome?

First off, sorry for the long delay in blog posts. Constantly working with my awesome students and devising new plans of attack in both business and the test prep world, I have let the blog slip a little bit. However, a couple of things have happened this week that have made me rethink my position … Read More