How to Eliminate Bad Answer Choices in GMAT Reading Comprehension Questions

One of the main principles of GMAT Verbal, and particularly GMAT Reading Comprehension, is that you’re not actually looking for the RIGHT answer, but rather the CORRECT answer. What do I mean by that? Simple: the “right” answer is what they taught you to find at University. That’s the clever answer that means something.  What … Read More

GMAT Critical Reasoning Strategy Part I: Mental Models

Mental Models to Improve GMAT Critical Reasoning Strategy  While this is ostensibly a guide for Critical Reasoning, many of the things listed here will help us to make better decisions on the rest of the GMAT and ideally in life as well. That last part is up to you, obviously, but I can help you … Read More

How to Beat GMAT Functions Problems Once and For All…

The Ultimate Guide to GMAT Functions Problems? (Probably not, but it’s a start…) Just want all of this as a 20-page PDF? The GMAT Functions Guide There are few words that strike terror into testtakers more than “functions.” Wait for it… Yeah, that feeling. The dropping in the pit of the stomach, the hyperventilating. We’ve … Read More

Quit Trying to Game the GMAT Algorithm Already

“You can’t tell if the machine has gotten smarter or if you’ve just lowered your own standards of intelligence to such a degree that the machine seems smart.” –Jaron Lanier It won’t do any good. What do I mean? SCREW THE GMAT ALGORITHM There. I said it. Why would we consciously give away our autonomy … Read More

How a Tomato Can Skyrocket Your GMAT Prep

…Or at least I think it’s “tomato.” I don’t speak Italian This one, however, is a tomato you don’t want to eat. Well, then, what do you do with it? Glad you asked. The “Pomodoro Technique,” named after the cutesy little kitchen timer, was developed in the 1980s by productivity expert Francesco Cirillo. The technique … Read More

Is the One-Year MBA Program Right for Me? Guest Post by Rona Aydin

Comparing and contrasting one-year MBA programs to traditional two-year programs Choosing the right MBA program is a very personal choice and there are many factors to consider including school rankings, geography, the specifics of the curriculum and many others. Of particular interest is the length of the MBA program. Which one might be right for … Read More

Cancel Variables in GMAT Data Sufficiency

Hi GMATters, We’re all taught that “you need at least as many equations as you have variables.” In fact, that’s one of the first principles in a lot of GMAT texts. The simple fact that it’s in the damn GMAT books is almost undoubtedly why tricky DS questions love to punk you by having a … Read More

GMAT Worry? Here’s One Trick to Banish Anxiety for Good.

One of the worst bugbears of GMAT preparation is “garden variety” anxiety. It might seem as if the test is insurmountable, that it is some kind of obstacle that cannot be avoided. In a sense this is true. You will have to take the test. It will be a pain in the ass. However, it … Read More

One Study Technique That Will Change Your GMAT Mindset Forever

It’s simple. Change the way you think about failure. You have to get things wrong to get things right. Yeah, whatever. Actually, I’m being absolutely serious here. As a GMAT tutor, I’ve seen first-hand how part of any program of learning involves a lot of mistakes, a lot of missteps, and a certain amount of … Read More